Welcome to our Nutrion Page, Find some useful information below to help get you started and provide you with some simple guidance with your nutrition.
If you would like a personalised consultation to fully explore how to get the most from your nutrition, book a consultation HERE
Read this first for some simple information about nutrition, it outlines the basics and will help you to understand what to eat.
Click the links Below to access additional documents to help you improve your nutrition:
High Carb and Gluten Free Food Lists
To enquire about our nutriton services, please fill out the form below.
To book your consultation ; either e-mail using the form or click this product link
Consultations can be in-person if you are able to get to Finsbury park, or via Sype/Facetime if North London isn’t feasible for you.
Our in person nutrition consultations currently take place in a private meeting room at The Coalface workspace.