Don’t lose your motivation to train this February
January is over, you’re probably chuffed with yourself that you’ve managed to stay off the booze for the last month and the health kick to lose those Christmas pounds is probably starting to fade out…
You want to keep fit and healthy, but can you be bothered?
(summer is coming though)
If this sounds like you, then ask yourself a couple of questions first, before sacking in the training and slipping back into old habits*!
* This happens way to often, especially with diets, hence rebound weight gain, binge eating etc.*
1. How did you feel after Christmas when you were in less good shape? guilty? ashamed?
2. How much better do you feel now? Fitter? more focussed through the day? happier about your body?
3. Do you want to feel great in summer for your holidays or even further ahead, next Christmas so that you can be prepared to have a week off and not have to feel guilty because you’ve earned that mince pie this year?
If any of these questions make you stop and think ‘YEAH, i want to keep feeling good’ then keep at it!
And if you need help staying on track, join my free FB group and we can help you stay on track!¬if_id=1486637223841507
IF you aren’t enjoying your training right now why?
Change it up, try a different class. Speak to someone about weight training, get a training partner or coach to keep you accountable day to day and provide you with encouragement to train….
You need to enjoy the exercise that you do in order to be consistent with it, and CONSISTENCY is the most important aspect!
The best programme is useless if you hate it and can’t follow it.
IF you’re unsure what to do, reply to this e-mail and i’ll happily send some ideas over!
Alternatively joint my NEW, FREE Facebook group where you can ask questions about training and nutrition and meet other people in the same boat!
Link below:¬if_id=1486637223841507
Have a Great Day and don’t give up!
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